Abendmusiken Basel | Jörg-Andreas Bötticher
Concert on 1.09.2024 at 7:30 PM
Oblackie Centrum Edukacji i Kultury
ul. Elżbietańska 9/10, Gdańsk
Kościół św. Józefa
Johann Balthasar Erben
Dixit Dominus
á 12/6 voc: é 6 stromen:/Con Basso continuo/S. Batt: de Erbenn
Manuskrypt z 1665 r., Kolekcja Dübena
Ach, dass ich doch in meinen Augen
a 6 / 4. Viol: 2Viol: d’Gamb è Canto Solo
Manuskrypt z 1682 r. aut. Samuel Schirm (muzyk Kościoła Mariackiego w Gdańsku) Kolekcja Dübena
Erbarm dich mein o Herre Gott
SATTB, 4 Violen, bc
Manuskrypt Berlin
Laudate Dominum
a 10 / 6 Vocj é stromenti / con Basso Continuo
Manuskrypt z 1665 r., Kolekcja Dübena
Kaspar Förster (1616–1673)
Sonata à 7 in C
Manuskrypt, Kolekcja Dübena
Ich freue mich im Herrn
Soprano solo con 5 Viole,
Manuskrypt z okresu 1668–1672, Kolekcja Dübena
Peccavi super numerum in D
À 10 / 6 Voci é 4 Stromenti:
Manuskrypt z 1665 r., Kolekcja Dübena
Matthias Weckmann (1616?–1674)
Toccata in a
Ms: Ratsbücherei Lüneburg
à 12/ 6 Voci: / 6 Instr: / con / Basso Contio.
Manuskrypt Berlin

Abendmusiken Basel
- Soprano: Jessica Jans, Isabel Schicketanz
- Alto: Alex Potter
- Tenor: Hans Jörg Mammel, Manuel Warwitz
- Bass: Wolf-Matthias Friedrich
- Cornetto: Frithjof Smith, Clément Gester
- Violin: Regula Keller, Cosimo Stawiarski
- Viola: Johannes Frisch
- Viola da gamba: Brian Franklin, Martin Jantzen
- Violone: Matthias Müller
- Theorbo: Matthias Spaeter
- Direction/Organ: Jörg-Andreas Bötticher
Abendmusiken Basel is an ensemble modeled after the Abend-Musicken, concerts organized by Franz Tunder and Dietrich Buxtehude in Lübeck, which showcased high-quality church music to the audience. The name of the ensemble refers to these concerts. Since 2013, the monthly concerts performed by Abendmusiken Basel have been dedicated to the works of composers who are largely unknown today. Musicians and musicologists from across Europe bring their enthusiasm, knowledge, and experience to explore the numerous, diverse facets of the 17th-century musical idiom with a strong emotional impact. Abendmusiken Basel’s recordings include music from the Duben collection, compositions by Giuseppe Peranda, Johann Rosenmüller, and Balthasar Erben.

Jörg-Andreas Bötticher
Professor of harpsichord and basso continuo at Schola Cantorum, organist at Predigerkirche in Basel, and artistic director of “Abendmusiken Basel”. Bötticher performs as a soloist and with various ensembles such as Altberg (Poland) and Voces suaves (Basel). He is the author of publications on basso continuo, musical aesthetics, and Bach’s cantata works. CDs with his recordings have been awarded the Diapason d’Or. In 2020, he received the Science Prize of the City of Basel for his many years of work encompassing both scientific research and musical practice.